- Please, also refer to MegaMatcher SDK Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- MegaMatcher enterprise license allows the unlimited use of MegaMatcher technology in the certain territory, market segment or project. For more information please contact us.
Licensing VeriFinger software
VeriFinger 4.2 SDK has a shared license. That means, that you should obtain license for VeriFinger 4.2 SDK once, and then you will have to order only licenses for VeriFinger DLL for each copy of your biometric system.
- VeriFinger 4.2 Light, Standard and Extended SDK
A license for VeriFinger DLL is required for each running instance of VeriFinger-based application. Each license for VeriFinger DLL is copy protected by one of these methods:
VeriFinger 4.2 Light and Standard SDK include one license for VeriFinger DLL.
VeriFinger 4.2 Extended SDK includes three licenses for VeriFinger DLL.
Please also refer to VeriFinger 4.2 SDK Software License Agreement and VeriFinger 4.2 DLL Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- VeriFinger 4.2 Linux SDK
A license for VeriFinger shared library is required for each running instance of VeriFinger-based application. Each license for VeriFinger shared library is copy protected by:
VeriFinger 4.2 Linux SDK includes one license for VeriFinger 4.2 shared library.
Please also refer to VeriFinger 4.2 SDK Software License Agreement and VeriFinger 4.2 DLL Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- VeriFinger 4.2 Library SDK
Developers should order at least 500 licenses for VeriFinger library together with order for VeriFinger 4.2 Library SDK. Please note, that though VeriFinger library comes without copy protection, it is mandatory to order additional libraries according to VeriFinger 4.2 SDK Software License Agreement.
- VeriFinger 4.2 source code
Please, contact us for information about licensing VeriFinger source code.
Licensing FingerCell EDK and libraries
FingerCell 1.2 EDK has a shared license. That means, that you should obtain license for FingerCell 1.2 EDK once, and then you will have to order only licenses for FingerCell 1.2 library for each copy of your biometric system.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 Pocket PC EDK
Pocket PC EDK requires licenses for FingerCell DLL for each instance of FingerCell-based application. Each license for FingerCell DLL is copy protected by:
FingerCell 1.2 Pocket PC EDK includes one license for FingerCell DLL.
Please refer to FingerCell 1.2 EDK Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 Router EDK
Router EDK requires licenses for FingerCell DLL for each instance of FingerCell-based application. Each license for FingerCell DLL is copy protected by:
FingerCell 1.2 Router EDK includes one license for FingerCell DLL.
Please refer to FingerCell 1.2 EDK Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 PC EDK for Windows
PC EDK for Windows requires licenses for FingerCell DLL for each instance of FingerCell-based application. Each license for FingerCell DLL could be copy protected by one of these methods:
FingerCell 1.2 PC EDK for Windows includes one license for FingerCell DLL.
Please refer to FingerCell 1.2 EDK Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 PC EDK for Linux
PC EDK for Linux requires licenses for FingerCell shared library for each instance of FingerCell-based application. Each license for FingerCell shared library could be copy protected by one of these methods:
FingerCell 1.2 PC EDK for Linux includes one license for FingerCell shared library.
Please refer to FingerCell 1.2 EDK Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 Library EDK
Developers should order at least 1000 licenses for FingerCell 1.2 library together with order for FingerCell 1.2 Library EDK. Please note, that though FingerCell library comes without copy protection, it is mandatory to order additional libraries according to FingerCell 1.2 EDK Software License Agreement.
- Licensing FingerCell 1.2 source code EDK
Please, contact us for information about licensing FingerCell source code.
Licensing VeriLook software
VeriLook SDK has a shared license. That means, that you should obtain license for VeriLook SDK once, and then you will have to order only licenses for VeriLook DLL for each copy of your biometric system. VeriLook SDK includes one license for VeriLook DLL.
A license for VeriLook DLL is required for each running instance of VeriLook-based application. Each copy of VeriLook DLL is copy protected. These copy protection options are available:
Please refer to VeriLook SDK Software License Agreement and VeriLook DLL Software License Agreement for all licensing terms and conditions.
Copy protection options' reference
- Lock DLL to U.are.U (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard and Extended SDK, VeriLook SDK, FingerCell PC EDK for Windows). This method is based on certain characteristics of the U.are.U fingerprint scanner. First of all, DLL will generate an identification code, which is associated with your U.are.U scanner. After that you should send this identification code by email to Neurotechnologija. Then you will receive a software registration key, which will allow DLL to run (DLL will run only with that scanner, to which DLL was locked). Software registration allows DLL to be shipped by email or downloaded. If you intend to use your software with U.are.U scanners, then this type of copy protection might be useful.
Please note, that this type of protection is suitable only for U.are.U 2000 and U.are.U 4000 scanners (it will not work with U.are.U Pro or Deluxe scanners).
Locking VeriLook DLL to U.are.U scanner is recommended only for existing VeriFinger customers.
- License generator and licenses for it (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard and Extended SDK). You will obtain a license generator (which is a special type of dongle) with a certain number of licenses in it. License generator allows integrator to lock Verifinger.DLL to certain U.are.U fingerprint scanner. If you are going to deliver software together with scanners, you can lock your software to the scanners in your office before shipping. Also, you can lock the software to the scanner remotely, by sending registration code. Each locking of separate DLL decreases licenses number in the license generator. If all licenses in license generator will be used, you can "refill" it. You should simply purchase additional licenses for license generator. Neurotechnologija, will generate a special update code for the license generator and send it to you. Then you can add your additional licenses into generator by inputting that code.
- LAN License Manager (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard, Extended and Linux SDK, VeriLook SDK, FingerCell Pocket PC, Router and PC EDK for Windows). This type of copy protection is suitable for integrators who want to use the software on the same network. LAN protection allows integrator to share software licenses across all computers on the same local area network.
The copy protection is based on a special dongle and software. The dongle is attached to USB port of one of PCs (which is running under MS Windows) on the network and contains a certain number of licenses for the software in it. LAN License Manager software also runs on this PC. It is recommended to have Windows NT/2000 or XP operating system on this PC.
The software will be shipped on a CD, which includes:
- LAN License Manager
- LAN License Manager Monitor
- HASP drivers
LAN License Manager detects running instances of software in the LAN. It limits the quantity of simultaneously running software instances to number of licenses for the software in the dongle.
LAN License Manager Monitor is an application, which allows to configure License manager and add new licenses for the software. To add more licenses to LAN License Manager you should purchase additional licenses for LAN license manager. Neurotechnologija will send you a special update code. Then you should input that update code to LAN License Manager Monitor and increase the number of VeriFinger DLL licenses in the dongle.
- HASP dongle on USB (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard, Extended and Linux SDK, VeriLook SDK, FingerCell PC EDK for Windows)
The dongle is manufactured by Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. This software protection key is attached to the USB port and allows to run an instance of copy protected software on this PC.
- HASP dongle on LPT (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard, Extended and Linux SDK, VeriLook SDK, FingerCell PC EDK for Windows)
HASP dongle is manufactured by Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. The dongle (software protection key) is attached to the PC's parallel port (LPT). Also this dongle allows to plug your printer into it, so it is possible to connect printer or other hardware through this dongle.
- Lock DLL to PC (available for VeriFinger Light, Standard, Extended and Linux SDK, VeriLook SDK, FingerCell PC EDK for Windows).
This method is based on certain characteristics of the PC's hardware. First of all, the software will generate an identification code, which is associated with your PC. After that you should send this identification code by email to Neurotechnologija. Then you will receive a software registration key, which will allow the instance of copy protected software to run on your PC.
Locking software to PC has certain limitations on long time use of applications based on this software, that is the application will not run, because these actions would invalidate your license:
- changing hard disk drive;
- formatting hard disk drive;
- reinstalling or upgrading OS;
Locking software to PC is mostly suitable for personal development or small software development projects.
- Lock DLL/library to device (available for FingerCell Pocket PC EDK and Router EDK). This method is based on certain characteristics of the device. The device may be iPAQ pocket PC or ASUS WL-500g router. First of all, DLL or library will generate an identification code, which is associated with your device. After that you should send this identification code by email to Neurotechnologija. Then you will receive a software registration key, which will allow DLL or library to run on your device. Locking DLL or library to these devices have no limitations on long time use.